History of the Development of Computer and Video Games
Computer games originated in the distant past, their history goes back more than 50 years. The first games did not appear as entertainment, but more for scientific purposes, because the first computers were huge, expensive, and mostly appeared in educational and scientific institutions. Computer games went into the masses with the advent of consoles and the first PC, when they became more accessible to most people. Only after the popularization of computer games, they became commercial. And now on the development of games companies are making a fortune.
Let’s trace the history of computer games in more detail and note the landmark games, which in some way influenced the development of the gaming industry. For the first time the world saw the first semblance of a computer game in 1942. This event took place thanks to two men, Thomas Goldsmith Jr. and Eastle Ray Menn, they created a rocket simulator. From that time the era of computer and video games began.
The main stage of development of the first computer games was in the 50s and 60s of the last century. These games were developed not for entertainment, but as scientific research. The game OXO (an analogue of Crosses-Nolicks) was honored by the Ph. ะก. Douglas. But in spite of this, games have become very popular with students and visitors to educational institutions. For example, such a game is Tennis for Two (the equivalent of Ping-Pong for 2 players), created in 1958 by William Higginbotham. Games of those days were designed specifically for each computer and looked little like modern ones, because they used text terminals and vector graphics displays.
The next period from 1961 to 1970 was notable for creating the game SpaceWar for PDP-1 computers and the first prototype of a computer mouse. Douglas Engelbart created it and called it the X-Y position indication system on the monitor. This took a major step in the development of computers, and the evolution of computer games followed in consequence.
1971 to 1980. – In this decade mankind made a huge step in the development of computers and, on top of that, people realized that game development is a huge source of income. At this time there are personal computers and game consoles, there is a prototype of the local network and the Internet. Players could now play in companies by grouping together using the network.
Between 1981 and 1990, consoles experience a crisis as personal computers become affordable because of their low price. Text and character-driven games gradually die out. They are replaced by games with more complex graphics as the first video cards appear, thereby relieving the processor of graphics processing. Games first appear, series that later become famous, such as Metroid, Adventure Island, Space Quest, etc.
1991 – 2003 years. – In this decade there was a revolution in computer games, thanks to the development of computer technology. It is now possible to create worlds with three-dimensional graphics, using sophisticated multimedia. The company ID Software has released a legendary game Doom, which remains popular even now. This game was unique, it was not like all the previous games: a new system of player control from the first person, three-dimensional world, the network game (in the team go every man for himself). Later, on the engine Doom, was developed no less famous game Quake. At this time, the first time began to create gaming clans, as well as a concept of eSports. It was the time when Half Life game appeared – the first multiplayer game that allowed to create mods – modifications. Players are now able to change the game world and the hero himself. Gaming industry began to bring in a huge income, which was comparable to the film industry.
With the advent of 2004 the world overcomes another step in the development of computer and video games. This time can be considered the beginning of the emergence of modern games. Thanks to the widespread use of the Internet appears a huge number of MMORPG and MMOFPS. This year Far Cry game is released – the first game supporting 64-bit systems. The most popular (even at the moment) handheld console, Nintendo DS, is released.
The next years up to the present a great number of computer and video games of different genres and for all platforms were released. The development of computer technology also does not stand still.
What tendency of games development can be predicted in the future, knowing the state of affairs in video games and computer industry? Reduction or complete disappearance of games on PC platforms due to piracy. More and more video games are released. OnLive service has been launched in America since June 17, 2010. Its appearance will make the users have no need to have powerful personal computers at home. You only need to have high-speed Internet, because it will transfer the processed graphics from the remote server, to which the user will connect to play. What else I want to say is that the developers and publishers have forgotten and want to pull more money out of the players’ wallets, making paid additions to the games. Reducing the prices in the near future for the provision of gaming services is not expected.
That’s how the rapid development of computer and video games, and the trend of their evolution has not stopped. Perhaps in the near future we will be able to fully immerse ourselves in the game world, which will be more than realistic.